Product Description
Wash & Wax Concentrate is a thick lather shampoo for cleaning exterior vehicle surfaces. It rinses easily and leaves the surface with a glossy shine. Contains optical brighteners for added shine and rich color depth. Has excellent suds regeneration. Great banana scent! VOC compliant and body shop safe.
DILUTION RATIO: Recommended Dilution Ratio of 1 part #56 Wash & Wax Concentrate to 64 parts water
DIRECTIONS: Pour 2 ounces of Wash & Wax Concentrate into a 5 gallon pail. Fill with pressurized water and wash vehicle with a wash mitt or soft sponge. Rinse thoroughly, then dry with a soft towel, chamois or squeegee.
SURFACE APPLICATIONS: For exterior washing/cleaning of clear coat, single stage, acrylic, lacquers, enamels, as well as powder-coated paints. Also cleans glass, chrome, plastic, vinyl, rubber, wheels, tires, and more.
ADDITIONAL USES: Excellent on RVs, boats, motorcycles, ATVs, and more.
HELPFUL TIPS: Use on cool surfaces. To quickly cool the surfaces, rinse entire vehicle with pressurized water before use. This will also help to loosen and remove dirt. It is best to use a separate wash mitt or sponge on the lower body areas, fender wells, wheels, and tires. This way, if you pick up any small rocks and dirt, it won't scratch the painted areas.
SAFETY & HANDLING: Safety Data Sheets can found online at automagic.com