Your Steering Wheel? Yeah, it’s dirtier than you think.

Your Steering Wheel? Yeah, it’s dirtier than you think.

07 December, 2020
Your Steering Wheel? Yeah, it’s dirtier than you think.

It’s thought to be known that your car’s steering wheel has more than 12x as many germs as your toilet seat! We know, that’s pretty gross. That’s why we’re here. But first, let’s be real. When was the last time you wiped down or cleaned your steering wheel? See, that’s the problem. 

Especially with heightened awareness around the pandemic, please do yourself (and us) a favor by cleaning your steering wheel the next time you jump in your car. We won’t ask you about that bagel that you propped up on the wheel during your morning drive to work. All we ask, is that you wipe down your wheel to keep you clean and germ free!