Why Having A Clean Car Is Good For Your Well-Being

Why Having A Clean Car Is Good For Your Well-Being

19 August, 2020
Why Having A Clean Car Is Good For Your Well-Being

It’s 2020 - it’s clear that this year has been anything but predictable and as they say, “normal”. It’s known that by having a clean and spotless workspace does wonders for the soul and state of mind. Just like your desk at work, your car that takes you from here to there is just as important. 

According to CarCare.net, “a lack of organization can elevate levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, resulting in feelings of fatigue, tiredness and depression. Conversely, people in organised environments reported greater feelings of energy and restfulness.” 

Do yourself (and us) a favor and bring your car in for a regularly scheduled cleaning and wash. If you want to get into the nitty-gritty, and dare we say filthy details - check out this report from our friends at Consumer Report. 

You didn’t need us to tell you that your car can get dirty. Do yourself a favor and keep your ride free of dust, germs, and mildew as we head into the fall months and get through the coronavirus pandemic together.