Spring Car Care: The Proper Ways To Clean & Maintain Your Seats

Spring Car Care: The Proper Ways To Clean & Maintain Your Seats

11 March, 2020
Spring Car Care: The Proper Ways To Clean & Maintain Your Seats

Spills happen. Pets, kids, and food, are all your typical ways that the fabric or leather interior of your car can quickly become stained within the everyday chaos of life. Our team at Zappy’s can’t control your pets, kids, or food - however, can suggest several key ways to cleanup when disaster strikes on the interior of your car. 


Condition & Preserve

Depending on the type of mess that you are dealing with, you want to be sure that you are able to condition and preserve it before it begins to sink and soak in. There’s nothing worse than a spill or stain soaking in without properly cleaning it up and leaving a nasty smell or residue behind. 


Utilize The Right Product

It’s really important that you do utilize the right product for the type of interior your car is composed of. If you find yourself using the wrong product, you could ultimately end up damaging and causing harm to your seats and interior. 


Consider The Scent

Like with any cleaning product or solution, please take into account who will be in and around your car after cleaning the interior. The cheapest product might not always be the best idea, especially if you or those around you have allergies that can be found in select cleaning materials and the scent that they leave behind.