How To Tell If Your Alternator is Dying A Blog on how to tell if your car alternator is dying.

How To Tell If Your Alternator is Dying A Blog on how to tell if your car alternator is dying.

29 June, 2021
How To Tell If Your Alternator is Dying A Blog on how to tell if your car alternator is dying.

At Zappy’s we are in the car wash business, but we are also and most importantly in the people business. It has become one of our goals for the year to continue to bring you regular blogs that help educate and hopefully entertain you as a respectful car owner along the way. In this week’s blog post, we are going to dive right in and give you some signs and symptoms you should be looking for if you think your alternator may be dying. If you think yours might be at its final stages, we are here for you. 

  • Metallic whirring, grinding, or loud hissing sounds
  • Interior lights intermittently dim
  • Accessories power down while driving
  • Car stalls or won’t start.

After a quick rundown of those four big signs and symptoms, we hope you are all best equipped to realize and recognize early signs of wear on your alternator if it happens to be in its final stages.