How To Remove Clingy, Stubborn Brake Dust From Your Wheels.

How To Remove Clingy, Stubborn Brake Dust From Your Wheels.

06 July, 2022
How To Remove Clingy, Stubborn Brake Dust From Your Wheels.


Brake dust can be a pain to clean, but it's a necessary evil. Brake dust is the tiny particles that build up on your wheels and make them look dull. If you don't remove it regularly, brake dust can lead to corrosion on your wheels and will eventually eat away at them. In order to keep your car looking great, you need to find a way to remove this stubborn build-up of particles.

Why do I need to clean this? Brake dust can be unsightly, and it's not the most pleasant thing to inhale. But the biggest reason you need to keep your brakes clean is that brake dust will soak into your wheels and tires, causing them to become rusted. If you drive a car with painted rims, brake dust can even damage your paint job! If you don't want any of these things to happen, then you're going to have clean those brakes as soon as possible!

What tools do I need? You will need: A wheel brush, with a sturdy handle and bristles that can get into the nooks and crannies of your wheels. Ideally, you’ll have one for each wheel—a small brush for the inside spokes and a larger one for the outside part of the wheel. You can also use an old toothbrush or even a soft scrubber sponge if you don’t have dedicated brushes yet! Dish soap in your favorite scent! (Or if you’re feeling adventurous, try making your own dish soap at home!) A bucket large enough to fit both wheels in without touching them together too much (otherwise they could scratch each other). Make sure it has some sort of handle so it won't slip out when full of water—you don't want that heavy thing falling on anyone's toes!

How can I remove the brake dust? It's important to remove brake dust from your wheels, regardless of whether you're working on a sports car or a daily driver. Brake dust can cause damage to your wheels, and if it builds up too much, it can make them look dangerous. It's also just not good for the environment—so let's get started! You'll need: a sponge a soft cloth a brush (like an old toothbrush or one that came with your wheel cleaner) a bucket with water in it.

Can I just spray on some cleaner and let it sit? No, that’s not a good idea. The reason it didn’t work is because brake dust is oily and sticky, so if you spray on the cleaner and then leave it, the water will simply sit atop of the oil on your wheels and do nothing to help remove it. You need something with a higher pH value (more alkaline) that can get in there and shift out that oil before washing off with plenty of water followed by drying with a towel.

Should I use a foaming or gel product? Foaming products are the best way to remove stubborn brake dust from your wheels. They work faster than other methods and are less messy, too. Plus, foaming products are more environmentally friendly than gels or liquids. The only downside is that foaming products tend to be a little more expensive than gel or liquid options. You don’t have to use a full bottle at once—you can dilute them with water until you find the right amount for your specific situation and needs.

Is there a way to prevent the buildup of brake dust between cleanings? The best way to prevent the buildup of brake dust between cleanings is to use a high-quality brake pad, cleaner, and protectant. Brake pads are the most important part of your vehicle’s braking system and can make all the difference in how well your wheels look after going through a rigorous cleaning process. High-quality pads will have better friction and reduced rotor wear. These qualities help keep brake dust from being melted onto the wheel surface so it can be washed off with ease and prevent buildups from forming on top of each other over time. You should also consider using a high-quality cleaner that doesn’t contain any harsh chemicals or abrasives that could damage sensitive materials like alloy wheels or aluminum rims (which are common in many modern vehicles). Lastly, apply a top-of-the line wheel protectant such as Meguiar's Wheel Brightener every few months if you want further protection against future corrosion problems caused by moisture condensation inside your tires while parked outside during humid summer days (or winters).

How often should I check my wheels for brake dust buildup? You should be cleaning your wheels at least once a month, and even more frequently if you live in a region with heavy rainfall. In the summertime, it's especially important to keep an eye on brake dust buildup because hot temperatures can make the oil in your braking system harder to remove. Before going on a road trip or long-term parking, be sure to give your wheels a good cleaning. This will prevent damage from happening while they're off of your car and help ensure that everything looks nice and shiny when you come back from wherever it is that you were headed! When changing seasons approaches (and before putting away your winter tires), give them another good scrubbing so nothing sticks around for too long—and don't forget about those hub caps! Brake dust is a buildup of particles and pieces of your brakes and the best way to get rid of it is with soap and water.

Brake dust is a buildup of particles and pieces of your brakes that build up on the wheels. It is best to remove this buildup regularly because not cleaning it can lead to rust and corrosion. The best way to get rid of brake dust is by using soap and water or an all-purpose cleaner for your car, like Meguiar's Gold Class Car Wash Shampoo & Conditioner (from Amazon). You can use a brush or sponge to scrub the wheels thoroughly; this will help break down the dirt so it washes away easily, leaving you with clean wheels again!


Brake dust can be a pain to deal with, but it’s important to clean it up and keep your wheels looking great. The best way to do that is with soap and water. Make sure you check how often your brakes need changing so you know when it’s time for new ones!