Get Rid of Road Grime & Streak Free Clean Your Windows

Get Rid of Road Grime & Streak Free Clean Your Windows

06 October, 2021
Get Rid of Road Grime & Streak Free Clean Your Windows

Keeping your car clean is not for the faint of heart. Just when you think you are nearing the end, there seems to always been another crevasse that needs a good wipedown. Aside from all of those hard to reach spots, there is another hard to reach spot that many forget to clean until it becomes an absolute nuisance - the windows that is.

You think we are joking, but we are here to remind you not to clean your windows with the same cleaner you use to clean the leather and cloth surfaces of your car. It’s essential that you find the best product for your specific situation in order to best leave your windows streak free at a reasonable cost. Luckily for you, we have an entire section of our website dedicated to the top glass cleaners from only the best brands in the business.

Aside from selecting the perfect product, you want to make sure you are prepared the best with a proper cloth solution. Throw the paper towels out the window and stop using them right now. As much as paper towels may seem like a good idea, these can often trap dirt and other debris in the fibers of the paper creating scratches and scrapes all across your already easy to scratch glass.

Timing is everything. When you determine to tackle the task of cleaning your windows is also something to make note of and remember. Don’t start with the windows, always make a point to save them for last. Why? Well, if you don’t there’s a pretty good chance that you will unintentionally spray your interior or exterior car cleaner that will not do your glass any favors.