Fall Cleaning Tips: Simple Ways To Keep Your Car Clean This Flu Season

Fall Cleaning Tips: Simple Ways To Keep Your Car Clean This Flu Season

14 October, 2020
Fall Cleaning Tips: Simple Ways To Keep Your Car Clean This Flu Season
More recently than ever, we have all been on guard and are making small decisions to help prevent exposure to sickness such as the coronavirus and the upcoming flu season. The same can be said true about your car, there are several spots that you want to make sure you are crossing off your list when cleaning and scrubbing. Begin with common areas outside of your car such as door handles, buttons, and even your keys! Once you have cleaned and disinfected the outside, be sure and attack the inside hot-spots such as the steering wheel, turn signal handles, and even your gear stick. All in all, our team can’t stress enough how important it is to clean and keep a consistent routine for the frequently touched spots in and around your car - but at home as well. We want nothing more than all of our customers to remain healthy this fall. Today and always, be sure and stop by the Zappy’s Online Store to order some of the best cleaning products and merchandise out there!