6 Facts About Professional Car Washes

6 Facts About Professional Car Washes

23 September, 2020
6 Facts About Professional Car Washes

Whether it’s your daily driver or your weekend cruiser, we all want vehicles to be kept in the best condition possible. Did you know that there are a few key reasons why you should clean your car on a regular basis at a local professional car wash? In this week’s blog post, we take a deep dive into hidden perks and facts of having a friend in the car wash business. 

Protect Your Investment

You’ve spent so much time working hard paying for your car or truck, don’t let the unpredictable weather conditions take a toll and wear and tear away at your hard earned dollars and cents spent on your car or truck. Protect your investment by making sure you are using the right products for your car and that when washing or waxing, you are protecting your investment and not enacting additional wear and tear. 

Professional Car Washes Are Environmentally Friendly

When you stop in and do business at your local car wash, you can know you are doing your part in keeping our community environmentally friendly. Oftentimes, when you are washing your car in your driveway you are easily wasting gallons of water that will eventually end up in local bodies of water, in turn polluting lakes and rivers with unknown chemicals depending on the type and brand of soaps and waxes you may be using. However, when you make the choice to have your car washed by a local and trusted pro, they typically have a recycling technology system in place to reuse and reduce the amount of wasted and tainted water across the local community.  

Save Time 

Typically, a professional car wash only requires 5-10 minutes of your time when compared to 45-60 minutes if you were to wash yourself at home. When we have conversations with our family of customers like you, we continually hear that time and knowledge are two of the biggest reasons they stop in at a professional car wash like Zappy’s. 

Improves Fuel Economy 

A clean car comes with less dirt, griem, and dust. You may not think about it, but driving around with a dirty car can actually slow down and decrease your fuel economy. That’s right - by simply washing your car on a regular basis, you can simply improve your fuel economy by nearly 10%! 

Protects Your Vehicle's Metal 

Each winter, various salts and sands are put down on the roads and driving surfaces are often put out with the hopes of melting ice and snow and to improve transportation traction. Unfortunately, many car owners and operators forget that they need to clean and care for the undercarriage and exterior of their vehicles to reduce the chances that parts and pieces of metal around their vehicle doesn't rust. 

Protects Vehicle Paint

The top of the line professional car washes know a thing or two when it comes to protecting your vehicle's paint. When you decide to wash your vehicle yourself by hand, you will unbeknownst create small scratches in the paint. 

There you have it! Those are just six simple facts about car washes and that there’s so many benefits about finding your local professional wash that’s both trusted and reliable.