5 Things That Can Save You Money At The Pump.

5 Things That Can Save You Money At The Pump.

16 March, 2022
5 Things That Can Save You Money At The Pump.

Everyone strives for more fuel efficiency by trying to hit the sweet spot of "economy", "power", and "fun". There are several things you can do as soon as you start your car to help enhance gas mileage and extend the life of your vehicle. The simple techniques you'll find here will not only save you hundreds of dollars, but also reduce your impact on the environment.

  • Avoid excessive idling.
  • Plan ahead of time and monitor gas prices if you can! 
  • Check your tire pressure.
  • Clear out the extra clutter.
  • Perform regular maintenance

According to a recent report by Investopedia.com, “Reducing the amount of driving we do, whether it's by carpooling or foregoing an unnecessary trip, is perhaps the most effective way to decrease the amount of gas that each person uses and make fill-ups at the gas station last longer. Proactive steps can be taken to improve fuel efficiency by paying attention to and changing gas-guzzling driving habits, and following a vehicle's maintenance schedule. Improved gas mileage is good for you, good for your car, and good for the environment.”