4 Reasons Why You Should Wash Your Car On A Consistent Basis

4 Reasons Why You Should Wash Your Car On A Consistent Basis

15 January, 2020
4 Reasons Why You Should Wash Your Car On A Consistent Basis

As we’re making strides into the new year, it’s important that you aren’t forgetting how essential it is to continue to keep washing your vehicles on a consistent basis. At Zappy’s, we like to think we know a thing or two about the benefits of washing cars. Our team has compiled  4 top reasons why you should wash your car on a consistent basis - it may be more informational than you think! 

Improved fuel economy.  

The less gunk that’s traveling with you down the road, the better wind resistance that you will be putting off into the air. 

Safety for passersby. 

Nobody wants chunks of ice or snow hurling their way off of cars in front of them when driving down the highway. 

Reduced risk of wear and tear.

If you continue to wash your car on a consistent basis, you are extending the length of life for many undercarriage and externally exposed parts and features on your car. 

Look good, feel good. 

Who doesn't feel a renewed sense of pride when leaving the house or office when you see a shiny and spotless car waiting for them?